Friday 19 May 2017

Othello: Act 1

Act Scene 1:


Othello starts on the streets of Venice, Iago and Roderigo are talking about how to suit to Desdemona, who already was Othello's wife. Roderigo requests Iago to help him wooing Desdemona. But Iago only bring bad news, he tells Roderigo Desdemona has married with Othello and they eloped together. Roderigo is upset and he blames Iago because he already paid the money. Iago reassures that Roderigo hates Othello too, the reason why Iago hates Othello is Othello’s recent promotion of Michael Cassio to the post of lieutenant. Then Iago argues that he does not know the marriage thing and the elopement. He suggested Roderigo that he should tell Desdemona's father of what his daughter has done. They go to her father's house together, distorting some facts of Othello's marriage in order to irritate Desdemona's father, Brabantio. Finally, they succeed in enraging Brabantio, and he demands that Roderigo leads him in an armed search for the newlyweds. 


Personal reaction:

In the first scene, I think Shakespear wants to present the racism existed in that era. Roderigo envies Othello not only because he suits with Desdemona successfully, Othello is a black man is another reason. What's more, Brabantio still doesn't believe his daughter elopes with Othello because he is a black man who has dark skin and comes from African.


1. Who are these people? What do we learn about their characters in the first scene?

Roderigo: A rich Venetian gentleman, He is desperate for Desdemona; He is jealous of Othello for having Desdemona and fearful of Desdemona’s father.

Othello: A Morrish general in the Venetian army, African; has dark skin; an eloquent and physically powerful figure; sort of headstrong.

Iago: Othello's standard-bearer, or" ancient".He is a deceitful and jealous man; he and is a racist.

Brabantio: A Venetian senator, father to Desdemona.

Desdemona: A Venetian lady, who has married with Othello.

2.Why is everybody mad at Othello?

Because Iago says Othello has sex with Desdemona and slopes together. Generally, it against the normal ethic.

3. Find examples of Roderigo and Iago making racial/other types of derogatory comments about others. To whom are these comments directed? Why do they say these things?

"What a full fortune does the thick-lips owe. If he can carry't thus!"(1.1.75) Roderigo says "thick-lips", obviously, it directs to Othello because he has Dark skin and he comes from African.

4.Why does Brabantio ask whether or not his daughter is under a magic “spell? How do these comments reflect Brabantio’s views on women in general?

Because he can't believe that his daughter would elope with Othello.Brabantio doesn't respect women, he doesn't trust her daughter. In his mind, his daughter more likes a stuff, not a human.

5. Why does Iago draw his sword against Roderigo, l. 71?

Because Iago wants Othello knowing that he is totally on his side, though it is not true.

Interesting question:

Why does Iago want to destroy Othello?

Because the important military position of lieutenant has gone to Cassio and Iago has been given instead the lesser position of ensign

Act 1 Scene 2:


Iago went to Othello's lodgings, he warns Othello what Roderigo has done and how enraged Brabantio is. However, Othello, calmed and poised, his loyalty give his brave, he doesn't feel afraid with Iago's threatening. Then a party of men approaching, Iago urges Othello retreating indoors, Othello stands his ground. However, the party is Cassio and officers from the Venetian court, they said Duke urgently requires his presence, The reason is the Rusk are attacking the island of Cyprus, a Venetian colony. On the way to the court, Brabantio assaults Othello uses magic and other illegal means to win over his daughter and demands justice. Brabantio wants to arrest Othello by violence but Othello counsels both sides put up their sword because against the enemy is the most important thing. Finally, they all move to the Duke's council chamber.

Personal reaction:

Iago seems a villain in these two scenes, he is a classic duplicity character, in order to revenge for Othello, he helps Roderigo and irritates Brabantio; on the other side, he counsels Othello retreats indoors. What's more, he is the main character to push the plot goes forward.

Interesting question:

Why Branbatnio always accuses Othello?
Because his racism is clear, he can not believe his daughter elopes with a black man, he accuses twice Othello of using magic to seduce his daughter.

Act 1 scene 3:


At the council meeting, the duke and senators discuss the tactics of the Turkish, predict and decide that the final destination might be Cyprus. After Brabantio and Othello arrived, Brabantio demands his grievances quickly——his daughter has been stolen from Othello by magic spells. The duke requests the evidence of the charge, and Othello claims that Desdemona would come and tell her story to support his innocence. Before she arrived, Othello starts describing the story of wooing Desdemona. When Desdemona enters, she admits that she falls in love with Othello and denies Othello uses the magic spells, she also announces that she has to shift her primary loyalty from father to husband. Brabantio has to give up his demand for justice and leave the council bitterly. Then council keeps working on the attacking from Rusk, finally, the council decides Othello has to go Cyprus for imminent attacking. Othello is willing and ready to go, before he went out, he asked the appropriate living place for his wife, the duke suggests she live with her father, but neither Othello nor Desdemona nor Brabantio agreed. Then Desdemona requests to go with Othello, the duke agreed. Roderigo, now alone with Iago, threatens suicide as his loss of Desdemona, then Iago mocks him in order to take him out of it, convinces him to be "a man". Then Iago persuades Rodrigo sells his all property for suiting Desdemona. After Roderigo left, Iago starts his soliloquy, he presented the reason why he hates Othello, he suspects Othello has had sex with his wife, Emilia. Then he plans to cheat Roderigo's money, makes hints to Othello that Cassion is too friendly with Desdemona. If his plan does work, his revenge will be succeeded and he will get the lieutenant.

Personal reaction:

In this scene, Shakespear uses much metaphor to represent themes in this scene. For example, The food that to him now is as luscious as locusts shall be to him shortly as bitter as coloquintidas.(1.3.391-392)."luscious as locusts " hints the relationship between Othello and Desdemona; "Bitter as coloquintidas" hints Iago predicts that their relationship would be broken.


1. Record all the instances of "eyes", "vision" and "seeing" you can find. What conclusions can you draw about how Shakespeare is using this symbol? Write a concise paragraph

" Ay, to me.She is abused, stol'n from me, and corruptedBy spells and medicines bought of mountebanks.For nature so prepost'rously to err, Being not deficient, blind, or lame of sense,

Sans witchcraft could not."(1.3.60-68).

The Brabantio's vision shows he just wants to arrest Othello and let him divorce with Desdemona. From his words, he accuses Othello use the magic and spells to seduce his daughter, he never considered Othello's remarkable history. Obviously, he is kind of racist, Shakespear uses Brabantio's extreme and harsh speech to represent the racism in that era.

Interesting question:

 Why Iago convince Roderigo to sell his property?
Iago mocks Roderigo and makes him enraged, then Iago tells him if he wants to pursue Desdemona, he should spend his properties to do that. In facts, Iago's determination is utilize

Roderigo to finish his revenge.

Othello Act 3 Scene 3 & 4

Act 3 Scene 3: Summary:      Desdemona, Emilia, and Cassio meet in the castle garden.After Iago and Othello arrived, Cassio runs off be...