Friday 9 June 2017

Othello Act 3 Scene 3 & 4

Act 3 Scene 3:


     Desdemona, Emilia, and Cassio meet in the castle garden.After Iago and Othello arrived, Cassio runs off because he ashamed his earlier behavior, tries to avoid speaking with Othello, and Iago suggests Cassio's hasty exit is suspicious. Desdemona request Othello to call Cassio back and set a certain time to meet him, and give him a hope of reinstatement. At the beginning, Othello refuses to meet Cassio, but when Desdemona persists, he does agree to see Cassio. When Cassio with Othello alone, he creates an imagine about Desdemona's innocence, and Iago convinces Othello to believe his blandishments, let him falls into his jealousy. Othello demands Iago to show him a proof, and Iago suggests him to watch Desdemona with Cassio. Othello against Desdemona's innocence, Iago says that he should not so indiscreet to give Cassio back his lieutenant, then he can observe what is going on between Desdemona Cassio. When Desdemona enters and Othello complains his headache, she offers a handkerchief to wrap Othello's head. Othello refuses the handkerchief because he thinks handkerchief is too small, and it falls down to the ground. Emilia enters and she picks up the handkerchief and plans to copy it and give his husband, though she does not know why her husband wants this handkerchief.  Then Iago enters and takes the copy of handkerchief from Emilia, then he plants it into Cassio's house. Othello re-enters, he threatens Iago with death if he does not show him a solid proof of Desdemona's unfaithfulness. Iago says that he overheard Cassio talking in his sleep about having sex with Desdemona. Now Othello becomes enraged and he promises to kill his wife for her infidelity, he demands Cassio should be killed within three days. And he talks to Iago he is his(Othello's) lieutenant now.

Personal reaction:

     In this part, the handkerchief represents themes of love and fidelity. The handkerchief is the first gift Desdemona gets from Othello, it reveals Desdemona's love. Othello has said the handkerchief he gets from his mother, his mother uses it to keep his father be faithful to his mother. The theme of loyalty is shown by the handkerchief. 


        Iago already got the lieutenant, why he keeps executing his plan?
        The other parts of Iago's plan are revenge to Othello, he has doubted Othello slept with Emilia. 



  1. How are Desdemona’s words in lines 31-32 ironic?

             In line 31-32, Desdemona shows her total confidence of Othello being not suspicious to her. But later on, it is revealed that Othello doubts Desdemona’s fidelity even without confirming the evidence he was given. This is how ironic Desdemona’s words are.

2. Compare Desdemona and Emilia’s views on men. Specifically look at lines 120-123 and lines161-175. How are they the same? How do they differ? Emilia and Desdemona hold similar viewpoints on pleasing their husbands. However, Emilia’s cynical and worldly characteristic are revealed from her words clearly. Through the words in lines 120-123, Emilia uses metaphor to compare men to stomachs and women to food. What she means is that men exploits women and do not take responsibility for them afterward. Emilia does not believe in pure love between men and women. Comparing with Emilia, Desdemona is more idealistic and naive in terms of love relationship, specifically marriage. She makes excuses for her husband’s unreasonable irritation. She states that “We cannot expect men to be perfect”, “maybe I say to harshly on him”. This is how Desdemona loves Othello, affectionately but not wisely.

3. Describe the emotional cycle Othello experiences once Iago suggests Desdemona is cheating on him.

Due to Othello very loves Desdemona, and Desdemona loves him so much. Othello can not believe that Desdemona is not faithful. Though he represents himself such a very confident man and he seem to trust his wife. In fact, the seed of doubt budded in his heart,  a skeptical emotion grows in his mind. Othello becomes hesitated and whiny, he does not know who he should trust, he loves his wife but he can not take away his doubtful idea from his mind. In his view, Iago is a fidelity person but he does not show Othello a solid evidence, which can prove Desdemona’s disloyalty.

4. Why must Iago take his time to convince Othello about Desdemona and Cassio?

Framed Cassio and Desdemona are the part of Iago’s plan. If Iago wants to get the lieutenant,  he has to deprive Othello’s trust of Cassio and let Othello dismisses Cassio. In addition, Iago has doubted Othello has slept his wife, he wants to revenge, convince Desdemona and Cassio is the best way to attach his goal.

5. Explain the importance of Desdemona’s handkerchief (to the play).

The handkerchief is the first gift Othello gives to Desdemona. Othello gets the handkerchief from his mother, he says his mother uses this handkerchief to keep his father faithful to her. The handkerchief is the symbol of the fidelity between couples. In addition, the handkerchief symbolizes Desdemona’s loyalty and purity, she loses the handkerchief represents she is unfidelity to Othello. The loss of handkerchief induces Othello not trust Desdemona anymore, it is a  very important event which results in Desdemona’s death.

Act 3 Scene 4


          Desdemona asks Clown to find Cassio, she keeps working on help Cassio restates his position, She tells Emilia she is very concerned about her loss of the handkerchief because she scares that Othello might be sad of its disappearance. When Othello asks her for the handkerchief, she is feared and kind of angry because she lost it unconsciously and she can not deny the fact that she lost it. Then Cassio and Iago enter, Iago insists that Desdemona is the only hope which can help Cassio restate his lieutenant, Cassio is convinced and begs Desdemona again to help him. However, Desdemona tells Cassio her husband seems ranged and crazy, and Iago pretends to concern Othello and decides to find him. Then Bianca enters, Cassio's mistress. Bianca finds Desdemona's handkerchief in the chamber, she asks what it from and she feels jealous. Cassio says he does not know and demands Bianca keeps this handkerchief and does not give it back. His action makes Bianca jealous even though Cassio denies any involvement with another woman.

Personal reaction:

       The theme of jealousy is shown in this scene. Bianca is Cassio's lover(kind of), she finds other woman's stuff in Cassio's chamber, she is jealous not only because the solid evidence, but also Cassio's attitude inadvertently hurts Bianca's heart. He requests Bianca keeps the handkerchief, Cassio tries to show he is innocent and he has no time to talk with Bianca. The reason is he is waiting for Othello. However, in Bianca's mind, Cassio's attitude shows he does not love her anymore, the theme of jealousy is shown by Bianca.


       In this part, Bianca gets the copy of Desdemona's handkerchief, how the handkerchief influences the plot?
       The handkerchief is the symbol of Desdemona's faithfulness and purity, it also importants for Othello, it reveals the love between Othello and Desdemona. Bianca finds the handkerchief in Cassio's room means that Cassio may love with Desdemona, Bianca will be jealous.The loss of handkerchief may induce Desdemona's death. 

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Othello Act 3 Scene 3 & 4

Act 3 Scene 3: Summary:      Desdemona, Emilia, and Cassio meet in the castle garden.After Iago and Othello arrived, Cassio runs off be...